Winter Green Farm is a pioneer in regenerative farming, certified organic since1984.

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Receive a weekly box of organic produce fresh from our farm to your family.

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Farmers Markets

Our award-winning organic produce is available each week in Portland and Eugene.

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Restaurants and grocers check here to see what we have available.


Our grass fed & finished lamb is available for purchase in the fall.


Our grass fed-certified organic beef is healthful & raised humanely. We offer many purchase dates throughout the grazing season.

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Food Justice

We are committed to making a more just food system through our farming and employment practices, as we believe access to good food should exist for all.

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Taking care of the soils, riparian areas, wetlands and wildlife helps us raise nutritious food while preserving the land for future generations.

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Join us for field trips, open houses, and learning opportunities at the farm. We seek to strengthen the connection between the community and the land that sustains us. We hope to see you soon.

Our Legacy

Jack Gray and Mary Jo Wade founded the farm in 1980, with the vision of producing healthy food for the community. Their values have contributed and continue to help create a sustainable world as they have moved into retirement from farming.

Wali and Jabrila Via came to the farm in 1986 and have a passion for biodynamics and Community Supported Agriculture. Although also now retired, Wali continues to be involved in the biodynamic community, including hosting biodynamic preparation making days on the farm with the Oregon Biodynamic group . Jabrila, also retired, is still involved with the educational component of the farm, hosting field trips.

Chris Overbaugh and Shannon Shipp-Overbaugh came to the farm in the1990’s. They met on the farm, and fell in love. They held a vision of farming together at Winter Green into the future.  Chris and Shannon now own and run the vegetable production and sheep on the farm, with the help of a community of committed employees. Their teenage sons’ Alden and Porter both play a role on the Winter Green Farm team, as well.

Long-time employee Kevin Melia and partner Courtney Moore bought the cattle herd at Winter Green in 2020. They were ready to start their own ranching business and when the opportunity arose, knew it was perfect. They are passionate about farming as a way to enhance the health of the land and along with the help of their child Basil, are continually working and learning to improve our grazing systems.

We collectively manage 171 acres. About 25 acres are devoted to mixed vegetables and berries for our CSA, farmers’ markets and wholesale accounts. About 90 acres is dedicated to sheep and cattle for pasture, hay, and balage. The remaining acres are oak groves, riparian areas, and wetlands for wildlife habitat.

We embrace biodynamic farming methods, and view our farm as a living organism. This means we strive to create a healthy farm ecosystem. The vast majority of our fertility is produced on-farm. We view this as one sign of a farm in biological balance. The backbone of our fertility program is farm-made, well-ripened compost, green manure crops, careful crop rotation, and pasturage of our grazing stock. We feel the health of our farm is reflected in the quality of our crops.

Growing great food and making it available to all people, is one of our core values. We have developed a close link with our local food bank. Through the combined effort from our labor and donations from the community, we provide thousands of pounds of produce to those in need. We also seek to pay our workers a living wage while creating a work atmosphere of mutual respect, learning, and community at our farm.

Our Mission

A productive farm in harmony with the earth, humanity, and ourselves.

Harmony with the Earth

Our mission statement begins, “A productive farm in harmony with the earth”. This is a broad and sweeping statement with many facets, some which we have a notion of and some, which we hope to discover over time. Among the known facets we include as primary, the health of our soil. We understand that without taking care of the soil, there is no possibility for harmonizing the rest of our farm environment. To this end we aim to be sensitive with our tillage, generous in applying high quality composts, and balanced in our cover cropping and rotations. We further wish to enhance the vitality of the soil and the environment at large through the applications of biodynamic preparations.

We honor the inter-relationship of all things. We find that it is helpful to perceive our farm as a living organism, as an ecosystem, so that our awareness of this interconnectedness may increase. We believe that as stewards of this particular piece of earth it is our responsibility to help foster a dynamic harmony amongst the kingdoms of nature. We strive for the appropriate kinds and right number of animals to help provide the fertility needs of our crops. We believe that animal husbandry requires having a deep respect for our domesticated animals. They serve us providing food, fertility, friendship, and entertainment and in turn we provide for them their needs, with love and caring.

We realize that our human activity exists within a larger natural context. We pledge to be sensitive to the ecology of forest groves, wetlands, and riparian area that lie within the acres that we manage. When appropriate we will take measures to help foster the natural health of these areas.

Our farm exists as part of earth’s ecology. Our farm management impacts both positively and negatively our planet’s well being. Although we recognize that doing no harm is an unreachable ideal, we will try to reduce our use of less renewable energy sources and implement gentler more sustainable energy strategies, where we deem it possible.

Harmony with Humanity

The second part of our mission statement is, “A productive farm in harmony with…humanity.”  We believe that access to good food should be a birthright for every human being. This means food that is rich in life-force nourishment to support humans in actualizing their potential. Therefore, it is our desire to produce the highest quality foods that we are able. Good food supports our bodies, engages our senses, becomes an opportunity for sharing, and in general enhances the quality of life. Every person deserves to eat wholesome and delicious food.

We believe that workers have the right to meaningful work, fair treatment, and living wages. We are eternally grateful for the love and care that our employees invest in our farm. In a very real way, our farm is the manifestation of the energy of our workers. Many deep relationships have developed over the years at the farm, among workers and between workers and owners. We see our workforce as our farm community and enjoy supporting this important aspect of our farm.

Harmony with Ourselves

By keeping our goals in view we both bring motivation and purposefulness to our lives. It is vital that we stay aware of the role that we play in our community and the world at large, and challenge ourselves to discover new ways of serving. In addition, we aim to assign ourselves activities and responsibilities that nurture our passions and allow us each to flourish, while getting the necessities done.

Farming is hard work. It takes its toll not only on the body, but also requires the ability to handle stressful circumstances. We feel it is imperative that the farm provides time for owners and employees to explore and develop other aspects of their lives, or simply just take a little time off.

In these ways we hope that Winter Green Farm will make a positive contribution in the world.