2019 CSA Share ~ Week #8

July 30, 2019



We’re taking orders for Strawberry Flats and will continue to send them out as we have enough….we’re in a major flush right  now that should last another week or so…..then they will slow down, but continue to produce.

Welcome to August…..if you have set up a recurring payment with us using your credit or debit card, please do get in touch if any of  your info has changed due to lost cards, new expiration dates, or if your address has changed due to a move. All of these can result in a declined transaction….we appreciate your help with these updates.


  • Lettuce ~ Frilly Romaine
  • Beets
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumbers
  • Collards
  • Tomatoes
  • Walla Walla Onion
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries


  • Cauliflower
  • Cherry Tomatoes


Roasted Beets & Sautéed Beet Greens

Papa’s Favorite Beet Salad

Sweet Walla Walla Onion Rings w/Basil Buttermilk Dip

Walls Walla Sweet Onion~Swiss Cheese Casserole

Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Lemon Blueberry Biscuits

Strawberry Blueberry Almond Crisp

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Mama Barn Swallow sharing breakfast with her brood…won’t be long before they’ll be flying around testing out their wings!

How can it be the end of July already!! I think I must wonder that every summer….the one thing about farming life is that you really are always a couple weeks ahead of the actual date. You’re planning ahead for what will be seeded in the greenhouse, planning ahead for which crops need to be transplanted, which crops need to be harvested, or tilled in. We’re planning ahead to see what will be in the CSA boxes a week or two down the road….we seem to always be a little ahead of our actual life! We do have times of being in the moment, and we relish those times for sure. The mornings when the new day is unfolding, and the birds are out and about getting those proverbial “early worms”. The sun rising above the hill, shining on the evergreens, giving them that golden glow. And of course, harvesting before the morning dew has had a chance to burn off.


This first week of August has been celebrated by many cultures since ancient times. Lammas is typically celebrated on August 1st or 2nd (also called Lughnasadh), when the hot days of August are upon us. It’s time to reap what we have sown, gathering up the first harvests of grain, wheat, oats and more. In our modern world, it’s often easy to forget the trials and tribulations our ancestors had to endure. For us, if we need a loaf of bread, we simply drive over to the local grocery and buy some, or at least the flour, salt etc. to bake our own. If we run out, it’s not a big deal. Our ancestors didn’t have it so easy. If crops were left in the fields too long, or the bread not baked in time, families could starve. Taking care of one’s crops meant the difference between life and death. By recognizing Lammas, we honor our ancestors, and the hard work they had to do to survive. This is a good time to give thanks for the abundance we have in our lives, and to be grateful for the food on our tables!


The heat of the last few weeks has encouraged our veggies to grow, grow, grow…while we may not give  these huge beets to our members, the crew sure appreciates taking them home. Erin has been salvaging giant zucchini and then bringing muffins in for the crew. Thanks Erin for the yummy break treats!


We are giving out the giant onions though….these should make some awesome onion rings….I included a recipe if  you feel  inspired! I know I’ll be making some this week!

We all hope you have a great week and of course, enjoy your veggies!

Linda and all of your Winter Green Farmers