CSA Signups are Open & We’re Hiring!

January 14, 2020


2020 is here and we’re gearing up for the new season! I don’t know about your but these cold winter months have me fantasizing about fields of green and summer veggies. We’re cleaning up the greenhouses and preparing our first plantings of snap peas, onions and lettuce. Seeds are ordered, and planting calendars are being finalized. Now all we need are a few more crew and CSA members!

The positions we have openings for this season are Farm Crew,  Farmers’ Market vendors in Portland, Farm Production Specialist, and our Farm Office/CSA Coordinator. If you would like to work on our farm this season, please visit our website to fill out the Employment application there.


CSA Signups are open!! I’ll be sending out the renewal info mid February but we welcome, and encourage members to reserve your share early! Not only will you feel good knowing your share is reserved, but it will save on paper since we won’t need to send out the renewal info to you! A win, win all around. You don’t need to send any payment until June, although we are offering a member renewing discount of $10 if you pay in full before May 1st. Visit our CSA Signup page on our website to either renew your share, or learn more about our farm and CSA if you are new to our program. Feel free to give us a call at the office as well if you  have questions!

We hope this New Year has been healthy and happy for you so far and we look forward to the months to come.

Linda and all of your Winter Green Farmers