Happy Beltane ~ May Day!

May 1, 2019


Have you reserved  your CSA Share with us yet? It’s definitely time to get that done….the first delivery is quickly approaching and we’re very excited for the season and so happy to be blessed with this lovely weather to get into the fields. Many of this year’s crops have already been planted and many more will be going in in the weeks ahead. We’d love to feed you this season! Follow this link to the Winter Green Farm sign up page…..


Thanks to everyone who attended the That’s My Farmer CSA Share Fair! There were 15 CSA Farmers who attended and over 200 community members came to taste our farm treats and enjoy the activities. We raised almost $700 toward our Low Income Fund, which the attending farms will use to help those in need afford healthy food this season!


Greetings on this glorious day, as we celebrate Beltane, the ancient holiday of fertility and new growth. This holiday is known as a cross-quarter day, centered between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, and celebrated on the eve before with celebratory fires and merrymaking. Today the May Poles will be strung and the ribbons danced and intertwined to symbolize the interconnectedness of us all. May your day be full of love and laughter as we celebrate the new season upon us!


There is an ocean of onions in our greenhouse today, but they will all be transplanted tomorrow. These are the storage onions that will grow all season and then feed  you through out the fall and winter months. The greenhouse has been a flurry of activity


since late January and will continue so until early Fall. We make our own seedling mix from the biodynamic compost we make on the farm, using manure from our herd of cows, along with nutritive grasses and biodynamic preparations. This compost is like a


little bit of magic mixed into the seedling mix that will nourish the seeds into healthy plants, which will then produce amazing fruits and vegetables for your table. Once the ingredients are mixed and sifted together, they are then combined by hand with shovels


6 times, before they head into the greenhouse to fill the many flats. The soil is spread on top of the waiting flats and then leveled off. Then the seeding begins…..


We love what we do and we hope you can see that in the food we produce….

Enjoy this beautiful day!

Linda and all of the Winter Green Farmers