2019 CSA Share ~ Week #16
For those of you who have an automatic monthly payment scheduled, please check in with the farm office if you have changed your card info, or have moved, so we can have a smooth transition of October payments…..thanks so much!
Half Share Members! We have been having many incidents of the correct number of boxes being delivered to pick up sites, but not enough for members who are set to receive their share. Sleuthing has uncovered that some Half Share members become confused whether it’s their week or not, and take a box whether their name is on the list or not. We request that if you are a Half Share member, and go to your site, and your name is NOT on the list, please do not take a share. Call the farm office and we’ll figure it out. While we can make a mistake, better to remedy that mistake than help to create more to solve. We really appreciate your help with this…if you are confused about your schedule, please check in with me.
Late Share Members! I am beginning to prepare for the Late Season mailing that will go out in the next week or two….if you would like to receive the Late Season just let us know. by either signing up online, or calling/emailing the farm office!
That’s My Farmer Benefit Dinner! The dinner at Party Downtown is only a week away! We do still have a few seats available. If you haven’t attended before, it’s well work it. The food is amazing, the company is enjoyable, and it’s all for a great cause!
Monday, September 30th, 6pm at Party Downtown, 64 W. 8th Ave. Get your ticket today!
- Pears ~ Red Bartlett
- Celeriac
- Swiss Chard
- Carrots
- Peppers
- Corn
- Onions
- Leeks
- Eggplant
Sautéed Celery Root w/Swiss Chard
Swiss Chard & Mushroom Galette
Caramelized Leek Salad w/Pears & Toasted Walnuts
Greetings from the farm! We’re happy to have a bit of a drying trend this week, and we’re hoping the fields will dry enough to get some crops out of the ground. Meanwhile, some early season colds and flu have been making their way through the crew, so each day the circle has been small, and the crew still standing are giving stellar efforts to get ‘er done! We’re so blessed to have these amazing folks on the farm this season!
We are so happy to welcome back Mt. Hood Organic Farms pears and share them with you. These pears will need to ripen a bit before eating. Place the ones you would like to ripen in a bowl on your counter for a few days. If you would like them to ripen quickly, place them near a banana or apple, as they give off ethylene gas, which hastens the ripening process.
As some of you may know, Mt. Hood Organic Farms is a family run farm, operated by Brady and John Jacobson, which just happens to be situated in a stunningly beautiful location at the base of Mt. Hood in the Upper Hood River Valley. This valley supplies about 30% of all the winter pears grown in America
Although the farm dates to the turn of the century (the main farmhouse was build in 1904), John and Brady began working the orchards in 1981. Inspired by European techniques and committed to sustainable land use, the Jacobsons undertook an extensive orchard renovation and transition to organic farming that resulted in full organic certification in 1989—the first farm in the valley to achieve this status. Numerous publications from The Oregonian to The Good Fruit Grower have written articles about the farm, and the BBC and PBS have also interviewed and filmed here.
As better reflects their view of the importance of the integration of natural landscape and wildlife into their farming practices, and returning to the deeper origins of the organic movement, Brady and John also became certified Biodynamic® growers. They also take pride in selling directly to loyal customers of the farm, as well as to regional and national markets. A portion of their produce is also donated to School Aid®, a program in partnership with local markets.
In 2005, the farm received a legal permit to begin hosting weddings, which take place from Memorial Day weekend until the first weekend in October on Saturdays and Sundays only. The farm, as a wedding venue, is a magical place with its indoor and outdoor options and is loved by photographers for its variety of photo opportunities. The way the event is set up to move through the grounds, with each area having its own special character, is unique to the farm.
That crazy, celery looking “thing” in your box this week is Celeriac….it is a wonderfully versatile veggie that can be used raw in a salad, cooked as mashed “potatoes” or even added to mashed potatoes, or can be added to soups and stews. In the days of “root cellars”, celeriac enjoyed much more popularity, as it stores so well. You can store it unwashed (we have already washed yours!) in a bag in the fridge. To use, scrub lightly with a brush, peel off the top and bottom and peel with a sharp paring knife, or sturdy veggie peeler. Like apples, celeriac will darken if exposed tot he air for too long. If you don’t plant to cook it immediately, submerge in a bowl of cool water with the juice of one lemon squeezed in.
The leafy green in your box this week is Swiss Chard. Swiss Chard can be used as Kale would be, by removing the greens from the stalk (although the stalk can be used as well) and either sautéing it, or adding it to soups and stews. I especially enjoy it in an egg dish!
We hope you enjoy your celeriac, and the rest of the produce in your share this week, and also hope your week is full of all good things!
Linda and all of your Winter Green Farmers