2022, Here We Come!
January is well under way and 2022 signups are chugging right along! The weather has brightened up, too. If you missed it this weekend, the coast was gorgeous! But even the mist coating the valley has dissipated as the week has gone by, and the farm is absolutely gorgeous!
Sign up for the 2022 CSA Season!
We’re on the second week of preorder signups for the 2022 season, and right now, we’re offering shares to current members only. We’ll send out emails to our Wait List next week to give them access as well, then open signups to the public beginning of February. If you missed any how-to information for the signup process this year, you can check it out on last week’s blog. Please keep in mind, the password to access the preorder page was sent out in a previous email, so if you can’t remember it, you’ll want to look back through previous emails sent out in the last week or two.
For those that have already signed up, I will be reaching out in the next couple weeks to confirm all the details of the share, confirm addresses and contact information, and set up payment plans. We’re in a brand new system, so this will take a little time, but we’re working hard to make sure this season starts out great!
We’re looking for a site host!
Our wonderful site host Ali for the Bedford Way delivery site has unfortunately moved out of state. Ali, we’d love to thank you for all your hard work as one of our volunteers. We appreciate you! Best of luck on your new ventures.
That said, if you were on the Bedford Way route last season or live in the area and would like to volunteer as a site host, please reach out to me at [email protected] to discuss details.
What’s Going on at the Farm?
It’s been pretty quiet around here after the long break, but while the humans are quietly working hard, the sheep have been loud and active! Our first lamb was born on Shannon’s birthday this New Year’s Eve, and he is so cute! Both Yukon and Canyon are helping Mama look after her babe. It’s a great time to be on the farm.
We’re so excited for this upcoming season, and can’t wait to share all the delicious veggies with you. We’ve gone through a lot of changes, and plan to add a few more, but we hope each and every one of them betters the farm and our CSA community. Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate new waters. We couldn’t do it without you!
Many blessings,
Chelsea and your Winter Green farmers