CSA 2014 Week #18

October 6, 2014
  • Radishes
  • Turnips
  • Fennel
  • Onions
  • Pie Pumpkin
  • Celeriac
  • Chard
  • Napa Cabbage
  • Peppers
  • Apples

Special Announcements:

* We are approaching the last week of deliveries for the regular season so we would like to remind everyone to return any boxes that might have made it home with you over the season. We are very short on boxes this year so we are hoping that many of them will be returned so we will not have to buy a lot next year (which might increase the price of a share) so please return those boxes!

* We would like to remind everyone again about the end of season harvest celebration here at the farm! It will be Saturday, October 18th, Noon to 4pm. We will begin with the annual potluck…bring your favorite dish to share with your fellow members if you would like to participate. After the potluck we will begin hayrides down to the pumpkin field to pick out your Jack-O-Lanterns! We’ll also have other fun activities and will press fresh apple cider. We hope you will join us to celebrate the amazing season we’ve had!

IMGP3956Vegetable Handling and Preparation Tips:

TURNIPS: Cut beet and turnip greens from their roots: store roots separately. Keep dry, unwashed greens in a sealed plastic bag in your fridge. Thicker greens will keep up to two weeks, tender ones should be eaten within a week.

To store turnips, radishes, and beets, place them unwashed in a plastic bag in the crisper bin of your fridge. Due to high water content, turnips and radishes may deteriorate quickly, but most should keep for a week. Beets should keep for up to two weeks.

IMGP3843CELERIAC: Celeriac will store for up to a month in your refrigerator in a plastic bag. When ready to use, slice off the green stalks at the root crown. These greens can be used in soups and to make stocks…they do taste like celery, but I wouldn’t use them for dipping in peanut butter! Then soak the root in warm water to loosen the earth between the roots and scrub well with a brush. Peel the skin off the roots before preparing (top and peeled portions are a tasty addition to soup stocks).

Try celeriac raw grated into salads or in any recipe that calls for celery. Celeriac can also be boiled or steamed. Peel, slice, and boil for 5-10 minutes or boil whole for 20-30 minutes. Mash and top with butter (tastes incredible with mashed potatoes!).


Smashed Celeriac from jamieoliver.com

Celery Root Recipes from Martha Stewart

Fresh Pumpkin Pie from Allrecipes.com

8 Things to do with napa cabbage from www.sheknows.com

Celeriac and Pecan Salad

Red Rice with Roasted Squash, Fennel & Beets

News From the Field

I can’t believe that next week is already the last week of the regular season! How did nineteen weeks pass so quickly? As a mother of a new little one, these last nineteen weeks have brought with them not only the fruits of the farm, but also first giggles, cooing, rolling over, sitting up, first foods, and so much love! It was not always easy to work with a little one during the height of the farming season, but I am so grateful to have such a supportive place to work (and a wonderful mother-in-law to share an office with!)

It has been an amazing season here on the farm. We really could not have asked for better weather, and as the season changes we now need that rain to come and replenish the land once more. The crew is getting smaller, but extremely efficient these days. They are seasoned pros now at harvesting and processing your vegetables. Katie has been a big help to me on days that I can’t get out of the office and into the field to take photos for you, so I will leave you with some images she captured of the harvest this week.

We hope you have a great week and enjoy the veggies in your box!


Emma in the Turnip patch

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